God is the master artist…
He is the creator of everything: every color, every cell of our bodies, every fingerprint, every personality, every animal, every sunset… it says in Isaiah 55:11 that He created the earth with only His words! We are born in His image (Genesis 1:27) so we must have some of this in us!
At Living Joy, we wanted to create freedom for people who love to create and let free the artistic side of what God formed in them. By exploring creativity as a way of expression, we are able to connect with our Creator God! We all have creativity within, it’s simply a matter of tapping into what is already inside.
Are you interested in dance, music, painting, poetry, writing, crafting…?
These, and so much more, are all a form of worship that are waiting to be awakened in you and given back to the Father!
When we create something ourselves, with our own hands, it is like an offering to God. We can give back to Him what He has given to us. Joy, love, anger, frustration, peace, longing and so much more ~ all can be expressed through art. We can be real, open and honest with a God who created us, our emotions, our personalities, our quirks, and our talents. He knows every part. Isaiah 64:8 (ESV) Exodus 35:35 (ESV)
Why not give whatever it is you have inside of you?